
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Taking Dad's Advice

It's been a crazy week. Terry and I are exhausted (originally, that sentence said "Terry and I am exhausted"--case in point), and we couldn't be more thrilled that tomorrow is finally Friday!!! 

On the way home from work today, my dad suggested that perhaps I should slow down and take a breather. He pointed out how much I'm like my mom with all my lists and nonstop productivity. He said, "It wouldn't be the worst thing if you put down your lists for one night and didn't aim to get even 50% of it done."

So tonight I'm taking Dad's advice. I came home and tidied up a bit (which I actually enjoy). Then I studied a little but without a goal for how much I wanted to complete. I also managed to get my boot camp workout done, and instead of rushing to shower and make dinner, I spent a solid 20 minutes foam rolling, focused mostly on my IT band. It felt incredibly painful fantastic! For dinner, I whipped up a super simple pepperoni pizza with a green salad.

This weekend is shaping up to be quite nice: First up is my plan to work out in the morning (oh yeah, it's happening). After school tomorrow, I'll get in a few hours of studying and eat out with Terry. On Saturday I have a baby shower for a friend, and Sunday is shaping up to be nice and quiet.

And with that, I'm going to get to bed nice and early. Hope you have a fantastic Friday and an awesome weekend!

What do you do when it's time to slow down? 


  1. every time you blog about your dad i think he's so similar to my dad and it always makes me smile :) glad you gave yourself a bit of a break yesterday. sometimes there's nothing more necessary. have an awesome weekend and make sure to take some time out to do absolutely nothing!

    1. Aww Dads are the best!!! Thanks and I will definitely take it easy this weekend!

  2. Slow day and relax! (<-remind me to take my own advice) I've been really go-go-go, especially with work lately and I'm doing my best to slow down. After several days of not being able to study, I CHOSE to not study one night and rather, try to put my feet up and keep my nose out of the books. Good news was, I was THAT much more productive the next day. Sometimes slowing down is what's best (remind me of this in a week). ;)

    1. I know, I need to take my own advice on stuff too sometimes. But at least we're trying!

  3. man dad's are so smart sometimes, we all need those nights. I really think taking a step back and just relaxing is so soothing
