
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Worst Picture Ever

Brace yourselves for the worst picture ever.

I broke all the rules. Waited until halfway through the meal to take the photo. Used the flash. Didn't put the colorful stuff on top so you could actually discern what is in the salad.

Luckily, the salad tasted far more delicious than it looks in the above picture.

Fay, one of my best friends who now lives in D.C., came to visit today. Last week, in preparation for her weekend, Fay sent an e-mail asking if I might be interested in checking out Soul Cycle, a spin studio in LA and New York. I asked our friend Jenn to join, too, because she just started a blog of her own (more on that later, but you can check it out here!) and I thought it might be good research for her.

The three of us ended up enjoying the class with some mixed feelings thrown in for variety. Jenn had to take off afterward, but Fay and I walked back to my apartment for showers and lunch.

At first, we talked about going out for lunch, so I asked Fay what she might want. Her answer--"Fresh produce!"--inspired me to keep it simple and fix up the freshest meal home. The salad included strawberries, heirloom tomatoes, feta, spinach, and balsamic. We ate our salads along with some blackberries, Cuties, and cheesecake brownies. Super simple, refreshing, and perfect for that fresh produce Fay requested. I'm so glad we stayed in!

After lunch, Fay headed out to visit another friend, and Terry and I squeezed in some shopping. Every once in awhile I feel the need to grab a couple new wardrobe pieces that can spice things up a bit. I've mentioned before that I'm no fashionista, but I think TJ Maxx had some great stuff today! Including this sweet spring dress (it was 80 in LA today, so I'm cool with moving right into spring).

Terry even picked up a few shirts for work. A miracle in itself since normally his only wardrobe additions come at Christmas in the form of gifts from others.

The rest of the evening included Cribbage, Sports Night on Netflix Instant Streaming, shrimp pasta, chocolate fondue (SOOOO full right now), and cuddles with a little kitten on the couch. 

Some reading for you:

Let's gear up for another week, huh? I have tomorrow off, but I'm waking up with Terry for a workout and then spending at least the morning on work. 

Happy President's Day! Do you have the day off? Any plans?


  1. that dress is adorable! it's most def not spring weather here.

  2. Cute dress! I'm in So Cal too so I'm ready for spring (though it is going to cool down again later this week).

    Don't you hate thoughts delicious meals that for whatever reason you forgot to photograph? Bloggers nightmare ;-).

    I am off today, but only because I worked Saturday and Sunday this week. Plus I'm helping my husband put on a race at a local country club this morning. Which is why I'm up at 4 on my only day off this week.

  3. love that dress, glad you guys got to catch up. sometimes the simplest lunches are the best ones

  4. Thanks for a fun, energizing and delicious Sunday! It was so great to see you and Terry. Love the dress!!

  5. Thanks for the fun, energizing and delicious Sunday! It was so great to see you and Terry. Love the new dress!

  6. I work at home so the day is kind of on/off anyway! Your salad looks and SOUNDS delicious! Yum! How did you like soul cycle?
