
Monday, June 3, 2019

Marshall is FIVE

Happy FIFTH birthday to our big boy!

It's been quite a year from four to here. 

Marshall, you have grown into a little boy who continues to make us so proud every day.

We love your thoughtful, curious nature. I think these are your most noticeable qualities in this stage. You wonder about the world. You ask endless questions, and most of the time we end up stumped. I'm sure you'll figure out the answers someday.

But beyond being curious, you are also in a stage of inventing stories about the world around you. When you ask a question that we can't answer, you almost always come up with an answer of your own. (Sometimes, you make up an answer when you aren't satisfied with ours, which comes off a little like mansplaining, but you're still cute so we'll give you a pass.)

You've also created something of an imaginary friend for yourself. His name is Formy, a Formadon (he's a dinosaur, but you also made up the species of Formadon). We learn more about Formy every day. Generally, when you are processing a new idea, you tell us a story about how Formy dealt with a similar situation. Formy goes on some wild adventures. :-)  He also has a sister named Gersa, and she occasionally has opposite experiences from Formy, so as not to leave any options unexplored.

This year, you stopped sucking your thumb! Adorable as it was, we knew it would be best to break the habit, and you kicked it in just one day.

Your enthusiasm brings so much light to our family. We never know what's going to get you excited, and it's always a fun surprise to see what you'll get into next. We tried out soccer this year, but we think we'll wait a while before trying organized sports again.

Instead, you're bouncing (literally) from one exciting thing to the next, like baking muffins with Mommy

or creating your own "pepper soup" recipe

visiting San Francisco as often as possible

getting excited about adventures.

More pictures and fun facts:

You and your brother are getting really silly together. Today in the car you had him completely cracking up, and I'm loving watching your bond growing.

You LOVE school. We can already tell that kindergarten will be a blast for you and for all of us to watch.

You're really in the middle of that phase where you turn every stick-like object into a sword.

You've been bitten by the travel bug and definitely get excited about new places and hotel stays!

You're learning to ride a bike, but sometimes it's tough to convince you to try new things.

You still LOVE Legos.

You spend 90% of your outdoor time bouncing around or running in circles.

I think Daddy is still hoping you'll find a favorite sport! (Mommy hopes it will not be soccer.)

 You still love to cuddle, especially when we're reading.

You love creating and building. In addition to Legos, you're all about Magnatiles and other construction materials.

You can READ! I am absolutely stunned. You even read to Declan sometimes!

Oh, and you still love food. :-) 

We love you so much, sweet boy. You teach us so much every day, and we love how you keep us on our toes. We never know what you'll ask next! 

If you do become a boat engineer someday, we can't wait to see the adventures you embark upon!

(adding the candles to the back of the rocketship cake like boosters was your idea!)

Happy birthday, Marshall!

We love you!

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