Sunday, November 8, 2015

One Week Down

It wasn't easy, and it definitely didn't go the way we planned, but we all survived our first week in a two-working-parent household. Some highlights...

My first day and Marshall's first days are detailed in my last post, but the rest of my week at work went just as well. I love my new job, and I'm so grateful I landed a position that is going to be perfect for me professionally but also for my family. In the first few days of getting to know my coworkers, boss, and faculty with whom I'll be working, I feel right at home and thrilled to work alongside such awesome folks.

I also have the added bonus of walking to work. We couldn't decide at first what would be best--what if there was an emergency and I needed to get to Marshall quickly? What about rainy days? Or super hot days? But for now I'm walking and really enjoying the quick (seriously--15-20 minutes) walk to the office. I wear tennis shoes and bring work shoes and love it so far.

I struggled on my first day with missing Marshall and feeling a little homesick, but like everyone told me the first day was the worst. I'm already getting busier at work, so there's not much time to sit and think about missing my family. Luckily I get off at 4:30 so I am home by the time Terry and Marshall get home and we all hang out together before I cook a quick dinner. Plus, Marshall has been waking up at 5:30 or so each morning, which gives me almost two hours to hang out with him while we all get ready. It won't ever feel like enough time, but I'd say it's not bad.

As for the downsides: Marshall clearly didn't feel well on Wednesday evening when we put him to bed. By the middle of the night, he had his highest fever ever (101.7), and Terry had to stay home from work Thursday to take care of the little guy. It was a rough day (and hard for me to leave knowing he didn't feel well, so thank goodness Terry was able to stay home), and we kept him home Friday, too. He's recovering now, but he's definitely not 100% himself yet. Poor little guy!

The illness threw us for a loop, and the week was more exhausting than we expected. We skipped a couple workouts, partially because of how dark it is outside at 5:00, so that was a bummer. I had a hard time shutting down and just relaxing with Marshall in the evening; I felt like I was supposed to be cooking or cleaning or something. I will definitely be working on that.

I also need to work on not eating millions of sweets at work. For so long, I've been in total control of my food environment, so to speak, because I buy the food around me, and I'm pretty good at shopping for healthy foods. But I am NOT good at turning down sweets that people offer me! On one hand, I want to be polite, and on the other hand, I'm just a total sucker for sweets. So here's to increasing my willpower!

This weekend was pretty great, even though Marshall was sick. We took things really easy, stayed home, relaxed, and cuddled a lot. Friday night Amanda came over for brownies, wine, and a movie (Pitch Perfect 2), and it was so great to catch up. (I'm so happy she lives so close now!) Marshall woke up from his nap yesterday inconsolable, so we snuggled on the couch and decided to watch his first movie! We chose Aladdin. Marshall watched about 10 minutes and then got up to play with his trucks, so either way it was a win.

This morning we all enjoyed a family jog, stopped by the grocery store, and prepped a ton of food for the week.

Now I'm about to fall asleep on the couch, so it's time for bed. Here goes week two!


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