Friday, August 7, 2015

It's All Relative + A Jumble of Thoughts

Hello from Short Nap Land! Ha, Marshall's nap was 90 minutes today, which I would have been SO grateful for eight or nine months ago. But now that I have gotten an handful of three hour naps, anything under two hours seems short. And he agrees, because he woke up all sorts of cranky this afternoon. Terry and I noticed the same thing with night sleep--now that Marshall has been consistently sleeping 11 or so hours without waking (knock on wood...always knock on wood), we find ourselves struggling to get up in the morning. What the heck? We used to get up with him several times each night AND wake up at 5 am regularly, so why are we clocking eight solid hours and still tired? It's all relative.

Still, happy Friday from my little Al Bundy.

(Spitting image of my brother.)

This morning we got more time with Terry, thanks to jury duty, so he let me sleep in and then we all ate breakfast and headed to the park. It's quickly becoming my favorite morning routine: breakfast, a little play time at home, a walk to the park, then maybe one quick errand before nap time. I'm looking forward to pushing Marshall's naps a bit closer to noon, though, so we can do lunch before nap and enjoy a longer morning (it'll be especially nice as it gets hotter, because the afternoons are way too hot for the park already!). When Marshall took two naps, it was easy to space out our outings and make sure we had a good mix of stuff going on. Now, though, I look at the clock sometimes and realize we have three hours until Daddy gets home and nowhere to go. And then I want to cry. I need some stay-at-home-mom friends who can save me in these situations!

Nap times have varied a bit lately, but they're usually between 90 minutes and 2.5 hours, so I get a solid chunk of time to myself. Sometimes I'll work on the blog, clean the house, prep dinner, tackle a few chores, or work on random little projects, like Jenn's baby shower scrapbook last week. Now that his naps are longer, though, I'm trying to figure out if I can use this time more productively or even earn a small income while at home. We'll see if anything is out there. It's weird how much motherhood fluctuates...but that's a topic for another time.

And now, because it's Friday, I have a jumble of thoughts to share with you (my thoughts are usually jumbled, but apparently on Friday it's more socially acceptable to write them as such).

This weekend's goal is to find a local splash pad for Marshall. I've never been, but they seem fun. The only issue is that in CA we're dealing with a major drought, so many parks have shut them down or only operate limited hours. We'll see if I can find one!

Jenn and Justin are currently in Palm Springs celebrating their anniversary, so here's a throwback to their lovely wedding! (<--oh my goodness, Marshall was teeeeeeeny!) Also, Jenn's due date is seven weeks away. Let the arrival date bets begin! (My guess is September 29, 7:55 am.) 

Anna Kendrick is my spirit animal (I think that's what the cool kids say now). Also, we were born two days apart, so that probably means something.

This article beautifully describes why we're all going to miss Jon Stewart so much.

You know I love me some Whole Foods, but sometimes they just go too far.

How cute is this sweatshirt we found at Target?

I'm seriously thinking about going back to buy it, but it's ridiculously hot here so maybe a t-shirt version would be best. It's from Paw Patrol, a kids TV show that I've never seen. (Fun fact: A teacher at My Gym keeps telling us about it and thinks Marshall would love it because he loves dogs and because the fire fighter dog is named Marshall. When Marshall gets a little older I hope it's still popular!)

Our plans this weekend--in addition to my splash pad mission--include a martini party (adults only...Marshall's not invited) and maybe a movie. I haven't seen a movie since before Marshall was born! We've tried to go a few times, but our plans are always thwarted. I've pretty much given up, but Terry is still holding out hope, so who knows?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! If you don't live in California, can you send some water our way? 

Important questions:

Who do you like more: Anna Kendrick or Jon Stewart?

What's the best wedding you've ever been to? (You can't say your own.)

Have you seen Paw Patrol? 


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