Tomorrow we're heading up to Lake Arrowhead for the night to celebrate Terry's coworker's wedding. It looks like it'll be chilly but not as cold as DC, so I'm looking forward to the road trip, the wedding, and hopefully a hike in the morning. My friend Jenn stayed where we're staying, and she suggested some hiking trails for us. I'm sure the views will be gorgeous!
Alright, let's get to the nitty gritty: What I Ate Wednesday!

Ummm...minus the strawberries, this was my breakfast. I can't wait for berries to come back in season!
Cottage cheese at work
Broccoli cheese soup does not photograph well. But it was my lunch. I only ate about half, but it was plenty. A little later, on my way home, I ate a pear, which was perfectly ripe.
Afternoon snack: a peanut butter "brownie"
And then half a PB&J sandwich with milk
Dinner: leftover stir fry from last night, which included green beans, red bell peppers, onion, pineapple, broccoli slaw with carrots (bagged from Trader Joe's), brown rice, and the sesame-ginger dressing we used on our similar pasta last time.
Dessert tonight: hot cocoa with homemade whipped cream (I told you I can't get enough of the stuff!), and I have a feeling I'll enjoy a blondie soon enough.
Other highlights of the week have included cuddling with Scout:
It looks like he's snuggling with the bump, but really he's just starting to figure out that he really doesn't fit on my lap anymore. He later moved to his own spot on the couch.
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