Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Last Week's Visitors

My parents visited last week! I always look forward to their visits, because I imagine I'll get so much done while they hang out with Marshall. In reality, I get a few things done, but mostly I want to spend time with them, so we all play with Marshall. It's still pretty awesome.

I did wash a few loads of laundry, though, and I kept the house pretty clean. Oh, well.

They arrived Tuesday afternoon, and we spent most of the day relaxing, cuddling the little guy, catching up. Terry came home later than usual from work, but we met him near the beach for drinks and then dinner. Marshall did great in the restaurant (always a relief).

On Wednesday, we headed out to Terranea (so close, and so beautiful!) for a walk and some lunch.

I had the California chicken sandwich, which was delicious. Tons of avocado, too! On the way home we took a detour to check out the Trump Golf Course. Let's just say that if I did play golf, I'd never be able to afford to play there. As I drove my KIA up to circle around I could practically hear the valet guys saying, "Um, no. Just go ahead and keep on driving. We only accept Teslas and Mercedes."

It's been HOT here lately, so when we were home we tried to keep fans blowing (because "who needs AC when you live so close to the beach?"). Poor Scout.

Dad grilled steaks and corn for us.

Marshall impressed us with his neck strength. (Side note: On Sunday, he rolled over! Just one time, and I was the only one who saw it, but he did it!)

Thursday we drove all the way up to Santa Monica (I can move away, but I can't keep away) to take advantage of a deal my mom bought for drinks at the Fairmont.

Champagne, anyone?

How do you know you're a mom? When you get more excited about the fact that the hotel lobby has a fancy separate room for nursing, including a changing table, than you do about the fancy champagne. Moms, if you're ever on Third Street in Santa Monica, take advantage of this changing room!

(After I took this photo, Marshall spat up all over the floor.)

 It was a gorgeous day in Santa Monica, and much cooler than my apartment, so we sat outside.

Thursday night Terry and I put Marshall to bed and then headed out on our first real date night. My parents stayed behind with the baby, obviously, and we went to Chez Melange, which turned out to be an excellent choice. We had a fun French waiter, ate too much delicious food (we shared the escargots and the summer salad; I ordered the chicken breast; Terry ordered the duck; we each had wine), and enjoyed some uninterrupted conversation. I was proud of myself for really enjoying the night and not worrying about our little guy the whole time!

Friday morning Terry worked from home, so I got an easier night (he took over some burping and diaper changing duties). My parents came over for breakfast, and Dad and I took a good (albeit hot) walk before we all said goodbye.

These trips are never long enough, but we sure do love them. It's so nice to see Marshall with his grandparents, and Terry and I are always grateful for the extra hands. I've been spoiled so far, because Terry has either been off or worked from home one day per week since he went back, and we've had lots of grandparent visits (both sides). It's wonderful to give Marshall the opportunity to interact with so many people who love him!

Hope you're having a fantastic week!


  1. Kitty stretch! How awesome that you got to spend time with your parents. I miss my parents so much living halfway across the country. :(

  2. I'm not sure how close Santa Monica is to me - but it sounds familiar. Then again, CA has a lot of cities with Santa in front of it. I recently moved from Canada to Northern California with my husband in February.

    Love the burger - haven't eaten there ... yet. :)
