Thursday, September 10, 2015

JanJan's Visit

And we're back! My mom has been in town to visit the last two days, and even when I had time to write I certainly didn't feel like sitting on the couch with a hot computer on my lap. 

My mom arrived Tuesday right after Marshall went down for his nap, so we hung around and had lunch and waited for him to wake up. Then it was play time! We didn't do much Tuesday afternoon, aside from try to stay cool in the house (will this heat wave EVER end?), and that evening we decided to order takeout from Fresh Corn Grill. We watched America's Got Talent (I've actually never seen that show, but they were in the semifinals and it was pretty entertaining!) and got to bed around 10.

Yesterday morning Marshall slept in until almost 7:30 (12 and a half hours of sleep!--but don't worry, he made up for it last night), so we got a bit of a late start on the day. We downed some smoothies and headed out for a ridiculously hot three mile walk. We ended at a bakery to grab pastries!

Then we raced home to get to My Gym. Marshall got to play with a vacuum, which was quite a thrill because he loves watching the real vacuum at home. I have a feeling he'll feel less enthusiastic about it in a few years when I actually ask him to vacuum the house.

We spent the rest of the afternoon running a few errands before Jenn joined us for dinner and got to witness the impressive battle Marshall put up before bed. My theory is that he was way overtired, so after nearly an hour he finally fell asleep on my chest in the glider. To be honest, much as I love all the nights when he falls asleep easily on his own, I savored those moments holding my sleeping toddler again. I haven't gotten to hold him asleep in months, and while I know that's a good thing, I also miss it! I managed to get him settled into his crib by 8 pm and gladly accepted a second glass of wine. The night was a hot, miserable one, so we all went to bed early and woke up way too early when Marshall decided 5 am was appropriate for play time. (I've said it before, and I'll say it again--late to bed means ridiculously early wake ups!)

Luckily we had a nice, easy morning planned, with an easy breakfast

and time at the park!

(pretty view)

And then it was time to say goodbye. My mom headed home around 10 and left me with a devastated little boy who cried for at least five minutes asking for JanJan (he can say her name!). Luckily, we'll travel up north in two weeks to visit her and my dad, so the countdown begins!

Some other fun facts:

- Last night we made this pulled pork carnitas recipe, and it was phenomenal. I highly recommend it. We did a taco/salad bar with a few options for toppings. Simple and versatile!

- Jenn is about to start maternity leave AND Amanda is living in LA again. <--I love that sentence more than you can imagine!

- My friend from college wrote an awesome article for The Huffington Post! Having such successful friends makes me feel super cool.

- Terry doesn't work tomorrow, so we're ready to start a three day weekend! We have minimal plans, including a memorial service, but family time is always wonderful, so I'm looking forward to it. We're also aiming to keep the oven OFF the entire weekend if it doesn't cool down, so tonight we're doing BLTs and salads. Workouts might be minimal, too, because I feel like I have been drinking my body weight in water just to keep up with this heat. Maybe just a walk or two around the neighborhood. 

Any big plans this weekend?

Do you prefer intense heat or intense cold? I always want the opposite of what I'm experiencing, so I'm inclined to say cold right now. It's easier to warm up than cool down, right? So I'll go with that. Although I've never lived in a place where snow is an annual occurrence, so come back if I ever move to Norway.

Happy Friday (tomorrow) to you!


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