Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday Night Brunch

Monday reared its ugly head far too early this morning, especially after our fancy dinner last night. Today was the epitome of Mondays: my students seemed incapable of concentrating on anything remotely related to school work, traffic kicked my booty, and I had no motivation to work out.

On the other hand, I managed to squeeze in a long-put-off trip to Bed Bath & Beyond to snag some new OXO containers (my favorite!) and some portable mugs for our morning tea. Then I stopped at Trader Joe's for the week's groceries, because I can't repeat this weekend's disgusting display of gluttony. Finally, after putting away all the healthy food, I made a mad dash to clean up around the house and eventually forced myself to throw on workout clothes.

Thankfully, once I get started on a workout, I'm usually in it for the long haul. Tonight's workout, yet another boot camp workout, consisted of 30- or 60-second circuits. My favorite move was the Hammer Thrust Lunge because I pretended I was an actress training for a role as a superheroine. Is that weird? Whatever, I felt super badass.

After our 30-minute circuit workout, I assembled dinner and set it aside while we went on a two-mile jog. Once we returned, I popped dinner in the oven while we stretched and showered. I keep calling it "dinner," but it was really brunch. Our menu:

Appetizer plate: salami, sharp cheddar, Havarti, ricotta, pretzels, Woven Wheats,  and dates

Strawberries to get my fruits and veggies in 

Mixed greens with homemade vinaigrette

Homemade quiche with spinach, broccoli, and sharp cheddar

 To make the quiche, I used Lisa's recipe. My filling was broccoli and spinach, which I sauteed in a bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper. I added those vegetables and the sharp cheddar to the egg-milk mixture and then followed Lisa's directions.


Oh, and a Stella, which Scout wanted to enjoy, too. 

We also caught up on an episode of Mad Men, the only drama we watch, while cuddling with the kitten. We certainly missed that little guy while we were away this weekend!

What's your favorite breakfast-for-dinner meal? Mine is definitely pancakes with fried eggs. It reminds me of nights when my dad had to work late and Mom would make my brother and I a special treat. While we didn't like Dad working nights, it was awesome comfort food - and we usually got to eat down by the TV! (Now Terry and I eat in front of the TV most nights...oops!)


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