Sunday, January 8, 2012

Surprisingly Productive Sunday

For a sick day, today hasn't been half bad. For those following my illness, I'm at about 80% recovery. I am coughing up a storm but otherwise feeling great and energized. I think I'll be fine for work tomorrow, though my voice still cracks and might not make it through a full day of teaching, so we'll see how that goes.

Even though I'm eager to work out, I know I'm not well enough yet and I'm putting myself on restriction for two more days. Tuesday I'll do a short workout, something similar to my Back on the Wagon Workout from the other day. Meanwhile, if you're eager for some new year workouts, check my Better Fitness page and pick your poison pleasure!

I canceled my original plans today in hopes of resting up for tomorrow, but I have felt so restless all day. I even cleaned the bedroom and the whole kitchen. Maybe it's the gorgeous weather here (I'd say it's around 75 with clear, sunny skies - what winter?) or the fact that I haven't done much of anything active since Friday's workout. Either way, I needed to go to the farmers' market, which created a perfect excuse to get outside.

My loot from the market is the strangest bunch.

Oranges, purple cauliflower, celery, and three kinds of bread. 
Our farmers' market is one of my favorite places in LA. It's usually crowded with people who've just finished running or yoga class. You can smell an odd combination of baked goods from the bakery stand, teriyaki from the BBQ stand, and peppers from the tamale stand. If you arrive toward the end of the market, the merchants are yelling out their reduced prices and starting to pack up their unsold goods. Little kids are putting their sticky fingers all over the fresh produce and making you question whether you shouldn't wash your vegetables twice this time. The leftover samples have been sitting in the sun for hours and still taste sweet and juicy, albeit a little warm. It's just a happy little land, two blocks of food and fun and relaxed shopping.

I came home nice and hungry and enjoyed a quick meal of scrambled eggs with diced green peppers, carrots, and some of Great Harvest's nine-grain toast. YUM.

Now that's a colorful meal

So today has been surprisingly productive, given the circumstances. I even prepped breakfast and lunch for tomorrow! For breakfast I'll be enjoying overnight oats, and for lunch, another veggie wrap with carrots on the side. It'll be a late night tomorrow because of a school board meeting, so I need to pack dinner also. Tonight I'm making poppa al pomidoro, and the leftovers will last me through the week since my hungry husband is out of town again. Cooking for one isn't as much fun, but it sure is more efficient!

Back to my productive day! Laundry, a bit more cleaning, and cooking are on the agenda before early bed. Gotta rest up for my students tomorrow!

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